4 Things a Modern Bride Can Live Without

Olivia Wedding Dress Moira Hughes Couture Sydney Bridal Boutique Modern Bride Blog

Your Wedding, aka the biggest day of your life. Sure, if you repeat that sentence over and over it can a little overwhelming. Lucky for you, we know weddings - and more specifically we know wedding dresses, really well. So read on for all the things that you don’t need to stress about. We promise.

  1. Having a clear picture of THE dress in your head, before you start shopping.

    We’re going to go ahead and assume that you would love to enjoy you’re wedding dress shopping experience? Yes? Great! Then please trust us on this one. It’s really important to begin your gown search with an open mind. We’re not saying you need to be open to ending up with a dress you don’t like, but you do need to be a little bit flexible when it comes to trying and testing different styles, as well as the actual design you’ll end up loving. That dream dress you’ve got pinned on your wedding Pinterest board? Chances are that style may not look the same on you as it does in that perfect photo, or it may be (way) out of budget. If you go in with an open mind, you’ll be sure to avoid any disappointment.

  2. Bringing the whole squad with you.

    While we’re on the topic of shopping for you dress, we’d like to politely suggest that bringing the whole bridal party, mum, sister-in-law, mother-in-law and whoever else may want to tag along is not the best idea. Don’t get us wrong we live for your loved ones shedding a tear when they see you in your selected gown; But that doesn’t mean everyone needs to be there every step of the way. By bringing a large group you’re subjecting yourself to as many - often differing - opinions. Our advice? During your first appointments take a couple of people whose opinion of how you will look on your wedding day actual matters to you. Maybe that’s your friends who you love getting style advice from, maybe its your Mum, Maybe it’s no-one. The most important thing is that you find a gown you’re in love with, and so they still get to experience this special time with you - invite the whole entourage to a fitting once the dress has been selected. Cue tears and champagne.

  3. Losing Weight for the Big Day

    This is something we work with daily. Most brides want to alter their figure in some way before their wedding day. For some brides this means simply toning up at the gym, others have baby weight to lost and many are wanting to undertake a full body transformation. We are all for a little pre-wedding fitness boost, and encourage our brides to feel their very best; you want to look and feel incredible on your day afterall. But this having been said, there is nothing worse than seeing one of our beautiful brides needlessly stress over the many months we work together trying to get down to a dress size she has never been before. We love you the way you are, your fiance certainly loves you the way you are, and we are going to take a stab in the dark and say that your loved ones do too. All we are saying, is that if the “wedshred” is impacting you negatively day to day - its probably not worth doing.

  4. Worrying that the dress you love is far from your initial vision

    We know what you’re thinking, “I know myself and my style, I definitely won’t be one of those brides” - and maybe you won’t! But you would be very surprised how often our brides end up completely falling for a dress they never expected. We put it down to that fact that you just don’t know what to expect, and Moira agrees; “What is achievable with silks and structure means your dream gown could be something so incredible you haven’t even considered it yet” For most brides, its their first ever time shopping for something that remotely resembles a wedding dress. So while you certainly know yourself when it comes to the clothes you wear everyday, you might be shocked at what you gravitate towards once you start trying things on. This is why its so important to come into the experience with an open mind (See point 1.).

Well now we’ve put your mind at ease why don’t you book an appointment Here.

Love, The Moira Hughes Team xx

Moira Hughes